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For teachers    >
Getting a job
Training for work
Welcome to the Employability programme Choose the section you want to learn about. EndFragment
At work
Work problems
Copyright Axis Education 2016
Job interviews
Welcome to the Employability programme Choose the section you want to learn about. EndFragment
Getting a job There are all sorts of ways to get a job. Find out more by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
On the off-chance
Company recruitment
Calling for details
Radio adverts
Getting a job There are all sorts of ways to get a job. Find out more by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Other candidates
Answering questions
Job interviews Find out more about job interviews by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Who should get the job?
What to wear
Tone of voice
Job interviews Find out more about job interviews by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Other candidates
Job interviews Find out more about job interviews by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
   Who should get the job?
Answering questions
Following instructions
Speaking and listening
Customer service
Training for work Find out more about traiing for work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Work procedures
Training for work Find out more about training for work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Training for work   Find out more about training for work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Employability >
Speaking and listening
Training for work Find out more about training for work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Observation skills
Public speaking
Jobs in the media
At work Find out more about being at work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Body language
At work Find out more about being at work by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Phone calls
Difficult situations
Work problems Find out more about work problems by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Customer care
Work problems Find out more about work problems by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
Work problems Find out more about work problems by choosing from these sections. EndFragment
On the off chance EndFragment
Work out which tone of voice you should use to ask to see the personnel manager.EndFragment
How to say it
StartFragment EndFragment Can you find ways of getting past the receptionist to hear about possible jobs?EndFragment
Jumping the hurdles
On the off-chance EndFragment
On the off-chance EndFragment
Drop Menu
Play Clip 1
Play Clip 3
Task 1 EndFragment
Play Clip 2
Task 2 EndFragment
Worksheet A
How to say it First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Worksheet B
How to say it First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Task 2 EndFragment
Task 1 EndFragment
Jumping the hurdles Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Jumping the hurdles First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Listen in! 1
StartFragment EndFragment Listen to radio adverts on the radio to find out more. EndFragment
Listen in! 2
Find out more about jobs advertised on the radio. EndFragment
Radio Adverts EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Find out more about jobs advertised on the radio. EndFragment
Radio adverts EndFragment
Radio adverts EndFragment
Listen to radio adverts on the radio to find out more. EndFragment
Radio adverts EndFragment
Listen to radio adverts on the radio to find out more.EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Find out more about jobs advertised on the radio.EndFragment
Listen in 2! First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Play Clip
Listen in 2! First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
World class
StartFragment EndFragment Watch the videos to find out more about this workplace. EndFragment
What do you think it would be like to work here? EndFragment
On the off-chance EndFragment
Could you be a home care worker? EndFragment
Home care
StartFragment EndFragment What do you think it would be like to work here?EndFragment
Recruitment EndFragment
Watch the video to find out more about this workplace.EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Could you be a home care worker?EndFragment
Recruitment EndFragment
Recruitment EndFragment
Calling for details EndFragment
Call our 24-hour job line
Call for more details
Mind your tone
Calling for an application form
Make that call!
Learn how to cope with unexpected questions.EndFragment
Find out more about what tone of voice is best.EndFragment
Find out what not to say when you confirm an interview appointment.EndFragment
Learn how to cope with phone messages.EndFragment
Learn how not to make mistakes when calling a company for details.EndFragment
Calling for details EndFragment
Calling for details EndFragment
Call our 24-hour job line
Calling for details EndFragment
Getting a job 
Play Clip 4
Calling for an application First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Calling for an application form First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Calling for an application form First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Question 1
Question 3
Call for more details First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Question 4
Question 2
Call for more details First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Call our 24-hr job line First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Call our 24 hour jobline First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Mind your tone First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Mind your tone Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Make that call First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Make that call First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Who should get the job? EndFragment
Decision time
Tom interview 1
Jason interview 1
Compare Jason and Tom - who should get the job?EndFragment
Decision time
Jason wants to work as a hotel porter. Will he get the job? EndFragment
Who should get the job? EndFragment
Jason interview 1
Decide who has the ideal voice to be a weather presenter.EndFragment
Tom also wants the hotel porter job, how will his interview go?EndFragment
Tom interview 1
Jason wants to work as a hotel porter. Will he get the job?EndFragment
Who should get the job? EndFragment
Who should get the job? EndFragment
Talking First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Talking First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Talking First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone worng this time
Answering questions EndFragment
Have a go
Have another go
Body language
What’s gone wrong?
Work out how to answer interview questions.EndFragment
Amelia is asked some tricky questions. What should she say?EndFragment
Does your body manguage give you away at interviews?EndFragment
Do you know when to stop talking? Listen and learn from this candidate’s mistakes.EndFragment
What’s gone wrong this time?
Listen to Joe’s answers to see where he went wrong.EndFragment
Does your body language give you away at interviews?EndFragment
Answering Questions EndFragment
Answering questions EndFragment
Amelia is asked some tricky questions. What should she say? EndFragment
Body language First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Body language First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Body language First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Have a go First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Have a go First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Have a go First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Have another go First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Clip 1
Clip 3
Clip 5
Clip 4
Clip 2
Have another go First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong this time? Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong this time? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s gone wrong this time? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
How much does it pay?
Find out what to expect
What’s happened
Future plans
Tone of voice EndFragment
Find the best way to ask about what to expect at an interview.EndFragment
Phil asks what the company’s plans are.EndFragment
What’s happened?
Joe asks about wages.EndFragment
How much does it pay?
Amanda asks about the current postholder.EndFragment
Future plans
Tone of voice EndFragment
Tone of voice EndFragment
How much does it pay?
Find out what to expect
Tone of voice EndFragment
What’s happened? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s happened? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What’s happened? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Future plans First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Future plans First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Future plans First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
How much does it pay? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
How much does it pay? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
How much does it pay? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Find out what to expect First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Find out what to expect First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Find out what to expect First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Other candidates EndFragment
Dealing with others 1
Dealing with others 2
Learn how to deal with wht other candidates may say. EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment What do you do when others try to get you talking? EndFragment
Other candidates EndFragment
What do you do when others try to get you talking?EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Learn how to deal with what other candidates may say.EndFragment
Other candidates EndFragment
Other candidates EndFragment
Dealing with others 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Dealing with others 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Dealing with others 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Dealing with others 2 Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Dealing with others 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Dealing with others 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Know your napkins
Following instructions EndFragment
Serviette style
Prepare a menu card
Listen carefully
Listen to instructions to create a menu card.EndFragment
Know your napkins
How easy is it to follow audio instructions?EndFragment
Listen to find out how to fold napkins for a restaurant.EndFragment
Serviette style
Prepare a menu card
Following instructions EndFragment
You need to master the art of folding - watch the videos to find out how.EndFragment
Following instructions EndFragment
Following instructions EndFragment
Prepare a menu card First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet EndFragment
Prepare a menu card First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Know your napkins First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Know your napkins First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Serviette style First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Serviette style First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Listen carefully First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Listen carefully First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Prepare a sports commentary. EndFragment
Speaking and listening EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Follow the guidelines about your new job as a sports commentator EndFragment
Darts - guidelines
Darts - commentary
Follow the guidelines about your new job as a sports commentator.EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Prepare a sports commentary.EndFragment
Speaking and listening EndFragment
Follow the guidelines about your new job as a sports commentatorEndFragment
Speaking and listening EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Prepare a sports commentaryEndFragment
Speaking and listening EndFragment
Darts guidelines First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Darts - guidelines First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Darts - commentry First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet EndFragment
Darts - commentary First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Restaurant safety
Work procedures EndFragment
New computer system
Construction safety
Fire instructions
New computer system
Find out how one employer stresses how important safety is. EndFragment
Fire instructions
Dan’s boss has just shown him how to use the new computer system.EndFragment
Work procedures EndFragment
The new waiters are learning about safety in catering.EndFragment
Construction safety
What should staff members do in the case of fire?EndFragment
The new waiters are learning about safety in catering. EndFragment
Work procedures EndFragment
Dan’s boss has just shown him how to use the new computer system. EndFragment
Work procedures EndFragment
Find out how one employer stresses how important safety is.EndFragment
New computer system First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Play Clip 3a
Play Clip 3b
Play Clip 3c
New computer system First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
New computer system First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Fire instructions First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Fire Instructions First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Construction safety First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Construction safety First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Restaurant safety First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Restaurant safety First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Be outstanding
StartFragment EndFragment Learn how to give awesome customer advice. EndFragment
Teaching customers
Customer service EndFragment
How easy will it be to show customers the new machine? EndFragment
Learn how to give awesome customer service.EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment How easy will it be to show customers the new machine?EndFragment
Customer service EndFragment
Customer service EndFragment
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Be outstanding First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Be outstanding First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Play Clip 2b
Play Clip 2a
Play Clip 2c
Play Clip 2d
Teaching customers First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Teaching customers First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Office party
What is she like? 1
Body language EndFragment
Non-verbal clues
What is she like? 2
What is he like? 2
After work
What is he like? 1
Check out the body language of these workers on their way home.EndFragment
Use the photos to work out what the body language is telling you.EndFragment
What can you tell about Ron?EndFragment
Ann can’t find where she is due to have an interview.EndFragment
Body language EndFragment
How does body language change in a more social situation?EndFragment
Use the photos to work out what the body language is telling you. EndFragment
Body language EndFragment
Body language EndFragment
Ann can’t find where she is due to have an interview. EndFragment
What is he like? First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What is he like? 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What is she like? First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What is she like? 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What is he like? 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What is she like? First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet EndFragment
What is she like? 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Non-verbal clues First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Non-verbal clues First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Non-verbal clues First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
After work First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
After work First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Office party First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Office party First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Lost First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Lost? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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What can you observe about these people? EndFragment
Observation skills EndFragment
Every picture tells a story
StartFragment EndFragment Test your observation skills. EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment What can you observe about these people?EndFragment
Every picture tells a story
Observation skills EndFragment
Test your observation skills.EndFragment
Observation skills EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Eyewitness First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Eye witness First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Every picture tells a story First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet EndFragment
Every picture tells a story First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet EndFragment
Public speaking EndFragment
Farewell speech
In court
How convincing is the speech? EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment What does this speech tell you about the speaker? EndFragment
Public speaking EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment How convincing is the speech?EndFragment
What does this speech tell you about the speaker?EndFragment
Public speaking EndFragment
Public speaking EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment How would you deal with this customer? EndFragment
At the garage
Broken toaster
Who has the bad attitude this time? EndFragment
What would you say to this customer? EndFragment
Customer Care EndFragment
Retail therapy
StartFragment EndFragment What would you say to this customer?EndFragment
How would you deal with this customer?EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Who has the bad attitude this time?EndFragment
Customer care EndFragment
Customer care EndFragment
Customer care EndFragment
Jobs in the media EndFragment
New headlines
Pedalo power
The fishing line
How accurate are your observations skills? EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Listen to the interview and use the information to write a report.EndFragment
News headlines
StartFragment EndFragment Listen to the radio article to complete the activities.EndFragment
Listen to the reports and create the headlines.EndFragment
Jobs in the media EndFragment
Jobs in the media EndFragment
Jobs in the media EndFragment
Farewell speech First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Farewell speech First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
In court First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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In court First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
World class First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
World class First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Oasis First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Oasis First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Oasis First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Home care First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Home care First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Home care First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Jason interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Jason interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Jason interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Tom interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Tom interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Tom interview 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Decision time First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Decision time First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Tom’s video EndFragment
Jason’s video EndFragment
News headlines First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
News headlines First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
News headlines First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Pedalo power First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Pedalo power First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Pedalo power First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The fishing line First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The fishing line First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
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Retail therapy First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
At the garage First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Retail therapy First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Retail therapy First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Your browser does not support the use of IFRAMES
Retail therapy First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Broken toaster Fist click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Broken toaster First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Broken toaster First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Phone calls EndFragment
The boss
Emergency 1
Emergency 4
Emergency 3
Emergency 2
Council complaints
Could you sort out these issues for the boss? EndFragment
How to deal with 999 calls. EndFragment
How to deal with 999 calls.EndFragment
How would you cope with dealing with these complaints?EndFragment
Phone calls EndFragment
Phone calls EndFragment
Council complaints
How would you cope with dealing with these complaints? EndFragment
Could you sort out these issues for the boss?EndFragment
Phone calls EndFragment
Late delivery
Not enough staff
What to say?
StartFragment EndFragment How would you cope with late deliveries? EndFragment
Waht will the supervisors do without enough staff? EndFragment
Difficult situations EndFragment
How would you cope with late deliveries?EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment What will the supervisors do with not enough staff? EndFragment
Difficult situations EndFragment
How would you cope with late deliveries? EndFragment
Difficult situations EndFragment
Difficult situations EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment What will the supervisors do with not enough staff?EndFragment
Council complaints First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Council complaints First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 3 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 3 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 3 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 4 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 4 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
For teachers Choose the section you want to learn about EndFragment
For teachers Choose the section you want to learn about EndFragment
Late delivery First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Clip 3a
Clip 2a
Clip 3d
Clip 2d
Late delivery First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Clip 3c
Clip 2c
Clip 3b
Clip 2b
Late delivery First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Not enough staff First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Not enough staff First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Not enough staff First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What to say? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What to say? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
What to say? First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Curiculum activities
Literacy and numeracy answers
Getting a job (for teachers) EndFragment
Literacy and numeracy activities
Teaching notes and answers
Getting a job (for teachers) EndFragment
Curriculum mapping
Getting a job (for teachers) EndFragment
Teaching notes and answers
Curriculum mapping
Literacy and numeracy activities
Literacy and numeracy answers
Getting a job (for teachers) EndFragment
Job interviews(for teachers) EndFragment
Job interviews (for teachers) EndFragment
Job interviews (for teachers) EndFragment
Training for work (for teachers) EndFragment
Training for work (for teachers) EndFragment
Training for work (for teachers) EndFragment
At work (for teachers) EndFragment
At work (for teachers) EndFragment
At work (for teachers) EndFragment
Work problems (for teachers) EndFragment
Work problems (for teachers) EndFragment
Work problems (for teachers) EndFragment
Listen in 1! First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Listen in 1! First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The perfect outfit
Which outfit is best for Ailsa? EndFragment
Open days are similar to interviews - help these people choose the best outfit. EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Help these jobseekers choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Decisions, decisions
What to wear EndFragment
Open day outfits
StartFragment EndFragment Which outfit is best for Ailsa? EndFragment
Help these jobseekers choose the best outfit.EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Open days are similar to interviews - help these people choose the best outfit. EndFragment
What to wear EndFragment
Help these jobseekers choose the best outfit. EndFragment
What to wear EndFragment
What to wear EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Which outfit is best for Ailsa?EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Open days are similar to interviews - help these people choose the best outfit.EndFragment
Decisions, decisions First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Decisions, decisions First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The perfect outfit First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The perfect outfit First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Open day outfits 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Open day outfits 1
Open day outfits 1 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet EndFragment
Emergency 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Emergency 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Open days are similar to interviews - help Ingrid choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Open day outfits
Open day outfits 3
Open day outfits 2
Open day outs EndFragment
Getting a job > 
Open day outfits 1
Open days are similar to interviews - help Debbie choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Open days are similar to interviews - help Owen choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Open days are similar to interviews - help Ingrid choose the best outfit. EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Open days are similar to interviews - help Owen choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Open day outfits EndFragment
StartFragment EndFragment Open days are similar to interviews - help Debbie choose the best outfit. EndFragment
Open day outfits EndFragment
Open day outfits EndFragment
Open day outfits 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Open day outfits 2 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Open day outfits 3 First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Open day outfits 3 First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The boss First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The boss First click on the worksheet button and then follow the instructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
The boss First click on the worksheet button and then follow theinstructions in the worksheet. EndFragment
Calling for details
On the off-chance
Radio adverts
Company recruitment
Who should get the job?
Answering questions
Other candidates
What to wear
Job interviews
Tone of voice
Customer service
Speaking and listening
Following instructions
Work procedures
Training for work
At work
Customer care
Work problems
Other candidates
Calling for details
Public speaking
Speaking and listening
Radio adverts
Phone calls
Company recruitment
Answering questions
Tone of voice
Customer service
Work procedures
What to wear
Observation skills
Customer care
Who should get the job?
Following instructions
Difficult situations
Jobs in the media
Answering questions
Who should get the job?
Following instructions